Interview on CNN with Prime Minister of Moongonosea
The country Moongonosea is relatively unknown to other living breathing beings on earth. This is due to the fact that back then, somebody forgot to draw them on the map. This was typical behavior of the map draw-ers back then, being self-absorbed arrogant white men who were usually drunk or massacring people in the countries they were invading.
The country is currently lobbying aggressively to be included in the world map.
Robbie Neilson, a correspondent with CNN in an interview with Muchakaloonaiapanakla Goarkdkakhaks the newly elected Prime Minister of Mongonosea.

picture- a fax sent by the state Department of the Moongonesea, of the whereabouts of the country.
- What do you see as your greatest challenge in assuming the post of Prime Minister?
- The greatest challenge is in convincing people that we, the government always do everything in their best interest. Mongonoseans are very whiny, complaining people. They always criticize everything we do.
Whenever we issue a statement, they want proof of this, and that. It is ridiculous. They should be good citizens and believe in the government, always.
- Isnt that normal behavior for concerned citizens? How else do you maintain check and balance in your country if your citizens cannot question your motives and actions?
- If they are concerned, they should concentrate on building a better Mongonosea, work together with us, hand in hand.
- But then, how will they be sure that the government is always doing things that are good for them, or being fair?
- Because we are the government.
-But governments arent always right, they can make mistakes because they are run by humans who are susceptible to error. Shouldnt that be taken into account?
- We always make sure that our officials are not corrupt.
-But how can you always make sure, if people arent allowed to point it out? Apparently you even put people who do so in jail.
- We can make sure for ourselves. As I said we always do things for the best interest of our people. And we put them in jail, because they are a danger to our country.
- But what do you mean creating danger, since what they are doing is in the interest of their fellow citizens?
-Because there would be protests, and people would not put their trust with the government, and live in peace and harmony as they should.
- But arent protests a natural mechanism of a democracy, so as to ensure that the government is checked from abusing its power?
- Why should they do such things. We will always do what is best for them, and only that.
-But how can a citizen ensure that if he is not given the power to question his government?
- We have a motto "Greatness, Wellness, and Happiness". We will follow through with this motto.
-Ignoring the fact that that doesnt make any sense, what do you say to allegations from the opposition party that you are favoring your race, the Mojo-mojos in the distribution of wealth and opportunities in this country?
-The Mojo-mojos are the poorest ethnic group, we are helping the poor. It is not racist.
-But, according to statistics, the Ilaka-laka are the poorest ethnic group in your country.
- That might be true. But back then we were the poorest.
- Back then?
- After our independence from white men.
- Alright. But since that is different now, shouldnt there be more help for the poor Ilaka-laka's?-
- Yes, but you see they arent real citizens of this country. The white men bought them over in boats to work our coal mines, and then when the white men left we were stuck with them. So we let them stay.
- They arent registered as real citizens?
- Yes they are.
-But you just said that they arent real citizens?
-I said that they werent here from the beginning. My ancestors were.
-This is starting to get quite confusing sir. So, they are citizens but they dont get extra help because they werent here from the beginning?
- Exactly.
- But then isnt that quite unfair? As long as they are here, recognized as citizens, shouldnt they get equal rights?
-Everyone gets equal rights here in Mongonosea. Noone is marginalized. We let them celebrate their little religious celebrations. We visit each other and eat with each other.
-How does that relate to equal rights? That only means that they are allowed to celebrate their holidays. What of the idea of equal treatment in government subsidies, and welfare programs?
-We also allow equal treatment there too.
-But you just admitted that most of the money for your developmental policies go to the Mojo-mojos. And your economic and educational policies only favor the Mojo-mojos.
- Because the Mojo-mojos are still struggling. We need to help them.
- But your policies also largely help rich Mojo-mojos, who are already wealthy.
- This is because there is a need to make sure that there is the Mojo-mojos earn a large part of wealth in this country, to rival the Chanuagas, the richest ethnic group.
-Why the Mojo-mojos?
-Because this is their land. Our land, my ancestors land.
-Just for arguments sake, according to historical data, your ancestors took over land from another tribe, the Asliuans. Then shouldnt, by first come first serve basis, they be the main owners of wealth?
- That is too long ago.
-But you just said that was why your ethnic tribe was superior to the other ones.
-That is different, we were owning the land when they came here, and we let them stay.
-Sir, (LARGE SIGH) wont this differential treatment one day cause your citizens to feel discontent? Anger perhaps?
-They shouldnt feel that way. They know we have to do these things for the interest of our people.
-But why is it in their interest, when, as a citizen you are given less opportunities based on their race? How can it be in their benefit?
- Everything we do, we do it for our people. Our motto is "Together forever, Mission and Vision and Excellence Everywhere, for year 3010."
-What the fuck is that even supposed to mean you crazy git! Youre not answering the fucking question! ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
- source- CNN (Censored News Network)